
1月, 2010の投稿を表示しています

2010年スケジュール/2010 Annual Schedule

森山老師出張計画/Moriyama Roshi Travel plan 2月12日–3月中旬/February 12-Mid of March: ハワイ・ホノルル・パオロ禅センター/Paololo Zen Center, Honolulu, Hawaii 6月初旬/Early June: 岩手県宗務所講習会講師/Lecturer for Seminar in Soto Zen Shumusho, Iwate Prefecture 6月中旬‐下旬/Mid to End of June: 英国・イタリア/England and Italy 2011年1月‐3月/January – March 2011: ブラジル・ウルグアイ/Brazil, Uruguay 瑞岳院行事/Events in Zuigakuin 1月-3月/January – March: 冬季閉鎖/Winter Closure 4月初旬/Beginning of April: 瑞岳院再開/Opening of Zuigakuin ( 日程/Daily Schedule ) 7月中旬/Mid of July: 瑞岳院30周年祝い/30th Anniversary of Zuigakuin 2011年1‐3月/January-March 2011: 冬季閉鎖/Winter Closure 5月初めには3日間の摂心が予定されています。また5月以降も月初めには摂心を予定しています。摂心とは通常よりも多くの坐禅を集中的に行う修行です。 3-days Sesshin is scheduled in the beginning of May, and the following months as much as possible. Sesshin is an intensive practice in which more sitting meditations are schedule than the regular day.

ブログについて/About this Blog

本ブログでは瑞岳院・国際禅交流センター代表の森山大行老師の活動や教え、瑞岳院の近況、森山老師の弟子達の近況活動を日本語と英語で紹介していきます。 This blog will post activities and teachings of Moriyama Daigyo Roshi, the Abbot of Zuigakuin Soto Zen Monastery and International Zen Center, news from Zuigakuin, activities and news from international disciples of Moriyama Roshi in Japanese and English. 本ブログを通して、盛んな布教活動のため会いたくてもなかなか会えない森山老師の教えの少なくとも一部や、場所が遠く行きたくてもなかなか行けない瑞岳院の状況を日本国内外へ発信すると共に、国内外での兄弟姉妹弟子の皆さんの活動や考えを紹介し合うことで、読者各自の修行の励みになれば幸いです。 I will try to convey teaching of Moriyama Roshi as much as possible and what happenings of Zuigakuin through this blog to brother and sister disciples and any other followers inside and outside Japan.  This is because for many of us it is difficult to meet Roshi or visit Zuigakuin in person as much as we want, and Roshi seems always busy visiting his disciples in various places and Zuigakuin is located in such deep mountains.  At the same time, I will try to introduce ideas and activities of the brother and sister disciples