瑞岳院冬期閉門 / Zuigakuin Winter Closure


森山老師は、この冬期閉門の期間中、湯河原の吉祥院や海外寺院等に滞在することが恒例となっています。本年早春(2010年2月)には、ハワイのホノルルダイアモンドサンガに1カ月ほど滞在され、海外禅センターとの新たな絆を築くことができました。2011年2月から3月にかけては南米を訪問し、森山老師が南米総監時代に指導した南米各地の禅センターを訪ねる予定です。南米滞在中には、森山老師が広大な土地の寄付を受け、ブラジル・ポルトアレグレの大草原に建設中のVila Zenでも摂心を行う予定です。

From December 11 to the end of March 2011, Zuigakuin will close for winter.  No practitioner will be accepted during the winter closure.  Zuigakuin will open from April 1, 2011.  In Zuigakuin, water is piped from a river nearby.  Zuigakuin closes during a period between December to March when water in the piping froze.

Moriyama Roshi usually stays in Kichijoin in Yugawara or some temples outside Japan during the winter closure. In February 2010, Roshi visited for the first time and stayed Honolulu Diamond Sangha in Hawaii for a month, creating a new connection with the Zen center outside Japan.  From February to March 2011, Roshi will visit Zen centers in South America, which are founded by students taught by Moriyama Roshi when he was working as South American Commissioner for Sotoshu. During his stay, he will lead Sesshin at Vila Zen, a newly developed retreat center near Porto Alegre.



八正道 / Noble Eighthold Path
