
4月, 2011の投稿を表示しています

In Commemoration of Master Moriyama / Conmemoración del Maestro Moriyama

By now, you may know that Master Moriyama, founder of Zuigakuin and La Demeure sans Limites (and the dojo thereof),  has not made any contact since the catastrophe of 11 March has touched Japan. Our only information is that he could have been – or was- in the region that was affected by the Tsunami.    If we continue to receive no news ,  I propose that Saturday the 21 st of May, a few days after Vesak, should be set aside as a day of commemoration. I am writing this to one and all who knew him and practiced with him or knew  of him through his disciples or students, to all who went to Zuigakuin, La Demeure sans Limites,  Porto Alegre, Monte Video and also to those he has inspired by his actions and teachings, and for all who were touched by him... I propose that gratitude be the central point of this day; that we each take a time of our choosing- a few minutes, an hour or several hours, alone or with other Dharma friends, at home or in a dojo- to examine the reasons that we have to

Moriyama Roshi está perdido

Moriyama Roshi está perdido. No nos podemos contactar con el desde el 17 de Febrero, después de la cancelación del viaje a Brazil y antes del terremoto. No estamos seguros si su desaparición está relacionada con el reciente desastre. Parece que nadie (ni amigos, familiares o discipulos) tuvieron alguna comunicación con Roshi hasta hoy. Estamos trabajando con la policía en la busqueda de Roshi. Si has recibido una llamada de él, has hablado o te has encontrado con Roshi después del 17 de Febrero, for favor contacta a Tessan Abe. Zuigakuin estará cerrado y no recibirá practicantes hasta nuevo aviso.

瑞岳院堂長 森山老師の行方 Moriyama Roshi is missing

瑞岳院堂長の森山老師が行方不明となっています。老師との連絡が取れなくなったのは2月17日からで、今回の震災に直接関係あるかどうかは不明ですが、今日まで老師の 知人・友人・関係者のどなたとも連絡を取られていない模様です。現在、警察とも協力して捜索を続けています。2月17日以降に森山老師と連絡を取られた方 は本ブログの管理人(阿部鉄生)までご連絡ください。 瑞岳院は、森山老師の行方が判明するまで、参禅者の受け入れを中止し、休山とさせていただきます。今後の予定については、改めて本ブログにてお知らせさせていただきます。 Moriyama Roshi of Zuigakuin Zen Monastery is missing. We could not contact him since Feb. 17, after the cancellation of Brazil trip and before the earthquake. We are not sure if his disappearance relates to the recent disaster. It appears that nobody (no friends, relatives, disciples) had any communication with Roshi until today. We are now working with the police in searching of Roshi. If you have received a call from Roshi or talked or met with Roshi after Feb. 17, please contact Tessan Abe. Zuigakuin will be closed and will not receive practitioners until further notice.